
1500 calorie diet in dietetic catering

A 1500 calorie diet is a common choice for both women and men. It is often taken by people who wants to gradually lose unnecessary kilograms without being on very rectrictive food program. 1500 calorie diet dietary catering is a carefully balanced nutrition program that will support your struggle for the perfect silhouette. Verify who should choose this caloric option and what to do if you stop losing the weight.


dieta 1500 kalorii


1500 calorie diet for everyone

A 1500 calorie diet is a good choice for many people. First of all, it is great if you want to start a gradual reduction of body weight. During weight loss it is recommended to reduce the caloric content of meals around 500 calories according to requirements. Thanks to this, you will be able to lose weight slowly and healthily, without worrying about the yo-yo effect. A menu with this calorific value is perfectly balanced and people struggling with excess weight should not experience severe hunger during slimming. That is the reason why the 1500 calorie diet is one of the most frequently chosen option. Both women and men decide on ordering it. Whether this nutritional program is right for you or not, depends on your lifestyle, level of activity and possible illnesses.


1500 calorie diet – when to resign from it?

Although a 1500 calorie diet usually allows you to lose 0,5 to 1 kilogram per week, it won't be suitable for everyone. Firstly, it may not work for very active people. If you do sports, attend fitness classes every day, have an exhausting job - a diet of 1500 calories may not be enough for you. In case you want to lower your body mass and your caloric requirement exceeds 2500 calories, better choice will be a diet with higher caloric value. The best way to find it out is to contact a dietician.

dieta 1500 kalorii


I eat 1500 calories – why the diet doesn’t work

Do you restrictive follow the rules of the diet? Don't you eat additional snacks? Do you order diet catering of 1500 calories but you don’t lose the weight? There can be a lot of reasons. If weight loss has suddenly stopped, it can pertain to the slowdown of metabolism. Then a good solution would be to increase physical activity while maintaining the same calorie diet.


Types of 1500 calorie diet

The 1500 calorie diet in our dietetic catering come out in many variants. If you do not have any ailments that determine the exclusion of individual product groups from the menu, choose the classic 1500 calorie diet. It is the most diversed food program based on lean meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, fish and complex carbohydrates. The meals do not lack tasty desserts. In addition to the classic diet, you can choose the following menus in the 1500 calorie variant:

  • vegetarian,
  • vegetarian with fish,
  • for diabetics,
  • low glycemic,
  • gluten-free,
  • lactose free,
  • gluten and lactose free,
  • without dairy products,
  • gluten and dairy free.


All of the above-mentioned diets consist of five balanced meals that we deliver to over a dozen cities across Poland 6 days a week - on Saturday you will receive sets for the entire weekend. Thanks to this, you no longer have to spend time shopping, preparing meals and calculating their calories. Find out a convenient solution, which is a diet box of 1500 calories. Welcome!

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